Is your student age 5-22 and have a medical diagnosis of Autism?
At this time, this student is not eligible to attend Turning Pointe's CN Day School. If you would like resources for diagnostic testing, click here.
Is your student outplaced or eligible for outplacement per their IEP?
At this time, this student is not eligible to attend Turning Pointe's CN Day School. If you would like resources for IEP support, click here.
Referral Process
Thank you for considering Turning Pointe as a placement for your student. Our process for referrals is as follows:
1. Referral packet sent by the home school district to [email protected]
Potential student packet including:
- Most recent eligibility paperwork
- Most recent annual review paperwork
- If applicable: atypical medical information (ex: emergency seizure plan, asthma action plan, etc.)
- Behavioral reports and/or incident reports
2. Student observation within the current placement, at private services, or at Turning Pointe
3. Parent tour (the district may also tour if needed)
Turning Pointe is conducting tours after hours when our current students are not in the building. Tour dates may have up to 8 attendees before that tour date is closed. Please contact Mary Butler at [email protected] if you would like more information on upcoming tour dates.
4. Acceptance process
- Turning Pointe registration provided to family
- Start date finalized
- Finalized district components (contract, busing, etc.)
In addition, if we are at capacity a district can complete the process above to secure a place on our waiting list. Placement within classrooms is dependent on student profile and staffing. Our program description is linked here to provide you additional information about our program and services.
If you are a district representative and have any other questions, please contact our Program Director, Bianca Frost at [email protected]
If you are a parent or guardian and have any other questions, please contact our Family Specialist, Mary Butler at [email protected]
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation Foglia Family Adult Services is a Certified Autism Center by the IBCCES and the Adult Day Pilot is accredited by CARF.
Our organization does not discriminate in employment or the provision of educational services on the basis on race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, citizenship status, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation Foglia Family Adult Services is a Certified Autism Center by the IBCCES and the Adult Day Pilot is accredited by CARF.
Our organization does not discriminate in employment or the provision of educational services on the basis on race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, citizenship status, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.
Site by Paul Gregory Media