What does autism mean to me? - Turning Pointe Autism Foundation

What does autism mean to me?

For me, it just means a different way to learn, and love. One reason I love working for an autism foundation is that everyone is super helpful. I myself have autism. Everyone here, especially my bosses, are willing to help explain how I should do things & try to help keep me busy. The other reason I love this place is because the kids here aren’t judgemental or mean. Most times, kids are super truthful & sometimes not the nicest about sharing their opinion. Not here. Every student has a good heart & not a nasty bone in their bodies. Along with the students, the staff that help them are amazing, they put up with so much & give everything to help these kids succeed. Everything from bathroom help to desk work & everything in between. They do it with a smile. I absolutely adore this place. The staff & students are a reason for me to stay. I love the work I do, no matter if it’s something as small as cleaning around the building. Anything I can do to help keep Turning Pointe alive & well, I will do.This place needs to stay open so these children can succeed, and WE can learn better on how to communicate with them. Turning Pointe Autism Foundation,in my own words, is where dreams come true. So, in so many words, autism is love & love in every form. If someone in your life has autism, embrace them & tell them how much they are loved. It really does mean so much.