What are you thankful for? - Turning Pointe Autism Foundation

What are you thankful for?


What are you thankful for? Thanksgiving is right around the corner, & in that spirit I’m going to write a gratitude post.

What is it that I’m grateful for? I’m grateful for many things, places & people in my life:

  • I’m grateful for where I work, a.k.a. Turning Pointe Autism Foundation.
  • I’m grateful for everyone at my job being 99% positive all the time.
  • I’m grateful for everyone I meet. Learning lessons from people is one of my favorite things.
  • I’m thankful for my parents, & for them providing me with a roof over my head, just like they have since the beginning of time.
  • I’m thankful for my siblings for putting up with me & being my chauffeur when Mommy & Dad are out of town.
  • I’m thankful for my friends.
  • I’m thankful for Mark for making me laugh, when I can’t even get out a chuckle.
  • I’m thankful for Cass, they’ve been with me since age 5 & always manage to get me out of a foul mood.
  • I’m thankful for Tina, because I can easily vent my feelings without any judgment.
  • I’m grateful for my Nanny, because whenever we talk I feel better about my life.
  • I’m thankful for my Auntie Chrissy just because. That’s my reason.
  • I’m thankful for Fredo, without him I would be a big stress ball, I mean I am anyways, but Fredo helps lessen that feeling.

I’m grateful for everyone in my life, who has made a major impact. So basically, everyone. Everyone has helped me get to the level I am at in my life. For that, I thank you all.
