Teachers are heroes. At Turning Pointe, we have 7 teachers & 7 classrooms. They are absolutely needed & we depend on them. We have elementary, regular school age, and then we have an adult day pilot program. Turning Pointe serves around 75 families. We need a lot of staff & we have some of the best working here. We have a lot of different areas & all of our teachers are great at what they do. We have seen these teachers face all kinds of difficult days, weeks & months & yet they still show up everyday no matter how they feel. They are physically, mentally, & emotionally invested in these children’s lives. We definitely don’t take them for granted. We know how hard it is to work with our kids sometimes. Someday’s like today, I see a teacher who is just tired, & mentally drained. Their faces all frowned, lips pursed, sweat beaded & ready to go home. But they don’t let students or staff see them with a bad face on. They persevere & keep going because they know their students depend on them. We don’t deserve these teachers, but we thank them with every passing moment for being here. They should be thanked, because without them, we wouldn’t have an awesome school program! We wouldn’t have amazing kids, and cheerful staff w/o them. Their people too. They deserve respect and compassion just like everybody else. If you have a teacher in your life, no matter what they teach, give them a hug & thank them for doing the impossible.
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