Turning Pointe has the perfect gift for you this season.
As tangible evidence of goals accomplished by our students, beautiful gifts and wares will be for sale at our Holiday Extravaganza on December 12.
You can enjoy yourself and gift-glazed pottery, holiday cards and sensory snow globes while our students enjoyed developing their expressive language, fine motor and multimodal listening skills to create these works of art! Students improved their coping and communicating abilities and you improved the sight of your (or your friend’s) cupboard or bookshelf.
Turning Pointe’s Holiday Extravaganza will feature Hot Cocoa from our Made to Inspire Cafe and a visit from a bearded man from the North. Please join us from 1 to 5 PM at 1500 W. Ogden Ave. in Naperville. Also attending will be some students eager to practice greeting and interacting with each of you. It will be the highlight of your season to witness how hard they will work to win your patronage. It may even inspire you this magical time of year!
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation
1500 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation
1500 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation's Foglia Family Adult Services is a Certified Autism Center by the IBCCES.
Our organization does not discriminate in employment or the provision of educational services on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, citizenship status, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.