15 Years
15 years. 15 years can mean a lot of different things for different people. In Hispanic culture, when a girl turns 15, the family throws her a party. As for Turning Pointe, we just celebrated our 15th anniversary. That’s a HUGE deal. You see, there aren’t that many schools or places like ours. We have some of the very best BCBAs (board-certified behavior analysts), IBIs (intense behavior interventionists), RBTs (registered behavior therapists), O.T.s (occupational therapists), SLPs (speech-language therapists), & COTA’s (certified occupational therapists assistant). Along with all of these amazing individuals, we have a foundation team that secures money for us from the community. We have a very well-respected & highly accredited program that works for our kids & it’s been keeping us open for the past 15 years. I have seen some great success stories walk through these halls. I have seen some kiddos walk through our doors & maybe, a couple of years later, walk out with a lot more patience, & better equipped to handle life. These programs work! We also have an executive committee that puts everything they have into giving our school the funding we need to continue this fantastic program. We also have positively awesome parents who try their best to help their children. Put all of us together & we have one FANTASTIC, AMAZING, STUPENDOUS school that we will see remain open for years to come.
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